Asset class strategies and plans are an integral component of asset-intensive organisations.However, while these plans and strategies are often content heavy, their most important aspect can be missed: Effective communication and engagement across the organisation. This case study outlines the development of a digital asset management planning tool for water and wastewater networks to facilitate this in Mackay Regional Council, Queensland. The planning tool is fully interactive and allows a simple overview of the state of the asset portfolio (quantities, replacement costs, age), its asset health, criticality and current risk level. The digital tool uses a novel approach that combines satellite, geospatial and client-owned data with advanced AI (artificial intelligence) to provide a validated asset health profile across the pipeline network.
Future deterioration and asset risk is modelled over a planning period together with planned interventions for maintenance and renewals. Outputs from the modelling are then visualised in a dashboard tool that is fully interactive and transparent. The digital planning tool allows asset owners to effectively engage stakeholders, communicating investment needs at all levels, from board/executive to field crews and the community.
Original article can be found in The Asset Journal, June 2024.
Rezatec’s Geospatial AI platform empowers water leaders to dynamically manage their ground-based assets and mission critical infrastructure – at scale. This means they can prioritize investment in the right place at the right time, boost the value of their assets, accelerate more powerful decisions on resource deployment and keep communities safe.
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