The Wildfire You Didn't See Coming | Webinars | Rezatec

Old Data – The Wildfire You Didn’t See Coming

Information has always been at the heart of forestry but what is different now is the calibre and frequency of technology available for collecting, analyzing and presenting this data.

Webinar Details

Webinar happened on Thursday, 26th March 2020 at 5:00 PM (GMT)


Forestry Leaders Webinar

The focus of the webinar will look at how remote technologies can inform and impact forest managers jobs. Information has always been at the heart of the forest; knowledge of stand age, tree species, fire and storm damage, pest and disease and logging costs have all been essential for profitable forest management for decades.

What is different now is the calibre and frequency of technology available for collecting, analysing and presenting this information, enabling data driven decisions.

Tim Vallings

Job Title: Chief Commercial Officer

Company: Rezatec

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