Geospatial Analytics for clean water pipeline risk monitoring | Rezatec

Geospatial Analytics for clean water pipeline risk monitoring

Confidently invest in the top 20% of highest risk clean water pipe to focus upgrade resources on what matters. And make proactive network management a reality.


Zero-in on what matters

Pipeline Risk brings next-level accuracy to predict the highest risk of pipeline failure across your entire distribution network, enabling you to get ahead of failure – and upgrade – ahead of time. Using precision geospatial AI, Pipeline Risk fuses predictive algorithms with 110 variables of satellite and environmental data, plus your own network data, to determine the highest risk of failure. And it validates your predictions with desktop and field inspections. This means you can cut water loss by up to 55%, make field inspections 6X more effective, save a third in repair costs, and justify capital improvement with new conviction.

Next-level accuracy network monitoring & risk predictions


Focus on 20% of risks
Tackle highest risk failure areas
Proactively renew network
Drive large-scale efficiencies


Identify potential failure
Track evolving issues
Prioritise engineer deployment
Fix leaks faster


Optimise CapEx & OpEx
Cut non-targeted upgrade costs
Reduce leakage & non-revenue water
Assess cost & risk of aging infrastructure

How we help

WaterOne: Does geospatial AI work?

Faced with a near $50 million upgrade bill over the next ten years spanning 2,800 miles of buried distribution network across 17 cities, Jason Beyer, GIS Lead at water utility, WaterOne, reveals his experience in adding next-level precision and reliability to their water main replacement prioritization. Watch the on-demand webinar.

Fully validated to accelerate proactive network management

Build a full risk profile

Views entire network & deterioration points
Assesses risk of failure
Tracks changing probability of failure

Mitigate Risk & Reduce Cost

Scrutinizes proximity to other assets
Analyzes consequence of failure
Quantifies likelihood of failure
Determines most critical areas

Focus on top 20% of risks

Identify up to 64% of leaks*
Prioritise engineer deployment
Optimise ground resources
Proactively repair and upgrade

*based on customer deployment

What our customers say

We help water utilities around the world to proactively manage network repair, maintenance and upgrade.

Rick Wahlen

Utility Operations Manager,

“Rezatec’s technology provides a comprehensive view of our entire system and helps us to understand where our network is likely to fail. It’s the most logical, best first place to start. Then, following Rezatec’s assessment, we could use some of the more pinpointed definitive pipe condition detection technologies based within the areas showing a high likelihood of failure.”

Water One
Jason Beyer

GIS Lead, Distribution Engineering, Water One

“I was proud to lead this project and bring AI/ML solutions to WaterOne in an effort to advance our asset management and infrastructure planning programs. Rezatec was the ideal vendor for this pilot program and I’m pleased to say it was a resounding success!”

ISOIL Industria
Luca Scansetti

Water Utility Service Manager, ISOIL Industria

Even before the Covid-19 outbreak occurred, it was essential to improve the productivity of the workforce and make the most of resources. Rezatec’s solution will help utilities better understand their buried assets, prioritise investment intelligently and improve results pushing the limits of the active DMA control towards the performance fixed by the authority.

Beth Baxter

Project Manager, TRC

The partnership between Rezatec’s technology and TRC’s expertise allows for us to assess pipeline infrastructure across multiple water utilities in a cost-effective way.

Pipeline Risk Resources

Speak to us today

Our team is here to answer your questions. We’re excited to help you explore how geospatial AI can support your business. Just fill out the form and we’ll get back to you.